
Swim pace clock mini
Swim pace clock mini

swim pace clock mini

(Swim and Water Instruction Modifications) is for children with ASD and is a specialty course that encompasses swimming and water instruction for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. *Private Sessions available - call or email for details* The pool water is warm (88-90 degrees Fahrenheit) which makes them therapy pools just because of the temperature of the water. Our class at Natavi takes it to another level by adding water! Each person will use a neck flotation device which will allow their body to fully relax during practice. In this state, the body and mind rest and the consciousness is awake. That’s where we’re trying to get through yoga nidra.

swim pace clock mini

Meditation makes it possible for us to get to the theta state - the state we go through to get to the delta state, which is the place of the deepest sleep cycle. This state involves moving from consciousness while awake to dreaming and then to not-dreaming while remaining awake. With meditation, you’re sitting and in a waking state of consciousness while focusing the mind and allowing thoughts to come and go. Yoga nidra is like meditation, but yet it’s not. With yoga nidra the goal is to move into a deep state of conscious awareness sleep, which is a deeper state of relaxation with awareness. This clinic is held on Tuesday from 6:00-6:50pm and Saturday 9:00-9:50am for each 6 week session. Coaches will work to ensure each swimmer learns the basics of pace clocks, competitive work outs, turns for each stroke and starts (if possible) to be prepared to join a competitive team. This is a 6-week, twice a week, program focused on teaching and refining all 4 swim strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, and Breaststroke), maintaining a healthy exercise routine in a supportive atmosphere, and most of all having fun. Natavi Aquatics’ pre-competitive program is a great way for children to learn competitive swimming basics with a group of peers without the commitment that comes with being on a competitive team. Natavi Aquatics is excited to offer a pre-competitive program for young swimmers, ages 8 and up who have a firm grasp of competitive Freestyle and Backstroke, and are interested in exploring the world of competitive swimming.

Swim pace clock mini